
Omega Replica Speedmaster Automatic Watches With Green Leather Straps

Omega copy Speedmaster Automatic watches with white dials have gone through a long history and witness great events of landing human on the moon. They are the most representative ones. Omega fake watches have green straps made of leather, which is suitable and attractive for ladies. Omega speedmaster copy watches with green strap are driven by top quality Asian Automatic movement.

omega speedmaster automatic

There are three small dials on the Omega’s big white dial, which are day-month-military time dials consisting of small-second dial, 30-minute-time dial and 12-hour-time dial. The big dial is 38mm in width and numbers on big dial are blue, just matching green strap. The watch case is made of solid 316 stainless steel. The watch glass is made of scratch-resistant mineral crystal that looks very glittering. Omega fake watches with three chronographs are waterproof, you don’t need to take it off when taking a shower or surfing on the sea.

omega speedmaster with green strap

Omega replica watches also have another colour: white, that means strap is white and so are the numbers. The copy watches are chased by the female not only because of their fashionable appearance, but also their excellent quality.